This past week has been rough. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. There were so many risk factors: I'm over 35, previously had a baby over 9 pounds, diabetes runs in my family, I'm hypoglycemic (pre-pregnancy) and I weighed less than 6 pounds when I was born. These factors all contribute to a diabetic cocktail.
Even before my diagnosis, I had put myself on a strict no-sugar diet. I wanted to prevent this sort of thing. It happened anyway. It's still tough to talk about.
We just want a healthy baby. December can't come soon enough.
My friend was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her second to last pregnancy. She was very tiny like you and short as well. She got very big and they even had to take fluid out of her uterus once towards the end of the pregnancy, but they said that could have been related to having to deliver a stilborn at 24 weeks the last pregnancy and not due to the diabetes. She had a wonderfuly healthy boy via vaginal delivery and her next pregnancy was fine!
I pray that you do have a wonderfuly healthy baby in December and I trust that the Lord will answer those prayers!
I think you look beautiful! I got very big with my babies and thought I just looked huge, but I still loved the look of being pregnant. There is nothing in this world (next to a newborn) that is more beautiful than a pregnant woman.
I'm so sorry about the no sugar diet. I was borderline. They didn't completely diagnose me with it, but they made me change my diet with my last one. That healthy diet will really help you to bounce back after delivery, and it's so good for baby too.
Good luck, Diane. I never had any problems like that, but I've had friends go through it.
I am SO sorry.
Praying for a healthy baby for you!
Two of my children were over nine pounds.
I now have diabetes.
I pray for a healthy you, a healthy delivery, and a healthy baby in Jesus name!
You look just darling...
Bless your heart, Diane. I'm so sorry. Would it help if I told you look adorable?
My girls are enjoying their candy corn hair clips again this year! I'll pray for you and your sweet baby every time I put them in their hair this fall.
Oh Diane, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was borderline with Ivy, and they put me on a special diet the last two months; it was AWFUL! I am a cereal & milk every-morning kinda girl, and all of a sudden, no cereal, no toast, it felt like all the stuff I craved was totally off limits. And back then, it felt like FOREVER, even though it was only the last 7 weeks of the pregnancy. Being pregnant is just so hard anyway, that having complications makes it seem INTOLERABLE!
I PROMISE December will be here before ya know it. I too am on the December countdown; this semester is KILLING ME!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a quick two and a half months, and a perfect healthy baby at the end of it.
Take care of yourself, and hang in there. It will all be worth it soon! :)
Oh Diane, so sorry about your diagnosis, that's awful and you have been such a trooper. I can't even imagine what you must be going through, this lil' ninja's got one tough mama!
Good luck to you on the home stretch!
I think you look wonderful! Are you feeling better? I'm sorry about your diagnosis. I'll pray for a safe & healthy delivery!
Any favorite crockpot recipes you can share? :)
Can't believe I put this off for a whole week and a half! I read it the day you posted and was just at a loss for encouraging you. I still don't know what to say...but have offered up many prayers on your behalf. Also praying for that little man.
Very cute and comfy looking top. Love that big belly...you are fortunate to carry that little guy...not much longer!
You do look beautiful! And having a new baby at this end of all of this other junk will be your reward. Hang in there girl! You obviously have a lot of people who love you and are praying for you. Me included :)
All will be ok, I just know it. Too many prayers for anything else. It just makes these last couple months that much longer, but we are all anxiously awaiting "Big Boy"
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