This cabinet (with an electric lift) was $50 and included a vintage Elna sewing machine! Since I prefer my trusty Singer machine, I enlisted my dear H's help. He fired up the power tools, removed the Elna machine and mounted the Singer. Isn't she lovely?

In recent days, I haven't been able to sew... but the projects are piling up and this workspace is so inviting! Thanks to my dear H for making it all possible.
Wow! That does look inviting! and it is a great deal too! We have found several items on craigslist as well!
Yay for an empty kitchen table and double Yay for a Hubby's help!
Can't wait til you start crafting again:-)
wow! smart girl. very very nice :)
I LOVE that cabinet! Good for you!
WoW! That is so awesome! What a blessing. It's amazing what the Lord blesses us with when we are patient and wait. How wonderful for your husband to mount your machine on there. I know many a project will be done on your new lovely sewing space!
Don't worry, I was clumsy as could be every time I was pregnant too. And I am the epitimy of grace. Almost trained for the Olymics in gymnastics, but pregnancy threw off my sense of balance and sense of how big and where my body was. I pray protection for you for the rest of your expecting days!
Gram's machine looks all snuggled in there~I know Gram is smiling.
What a lovely work space. You are really going to rock and roll when you get things going again! I can not wait to see all of your lovely creations. I need inspiration ;o)
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