Henry Samuel was born on 11.30.09 at 8:16 a.m. weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. (He was over a full pound
lighter than predicted.) He's beautiful and perfect and sweet. He is also beloved by his parents and his big sister...

Here's one last pic of me before we went into the hospital on monday morning...

We were all ready to meet each other. He wanted out as much as I wanted him out. For the most part, things went smoothly. I'll have to update you with the birth story another day because we are all still very tired. And happy.
Welcome, Baby Henry. We are so happy you are finally here.
(Congratulations, Diane and family. He's beautiful.)
Yay! I am SO very excited for you!!!! Henry is such a handsome little man! Can't wait to hear all the fun details once you are all rested up:0)
Oh honey, how precious! He's so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you and your family! I love the picture with him and his sister.Praise to the Lord for the beautiful family you have now! (Not that it wasn't before, but now it's perfectly even!) I pray that you will recover well and be able to get back to your normal self. Such a long 9 months for you...so worth it now though!
Congratulations!! He's gorgeous! I hope you're feeling okay!
Oh! How blessed you all are!
Enjoy that wonderfully sweet new baby-smell that never lasts quite long enough.
What a beautiful boy! God is so good, isn't he?
Good luck with the next phase of your life.....which starts in a couple days, eh? Safe travels to you all!
Oh my goodness he is so handsome!! And your little "C" looks so taken with him. I'm glad that you are all happy and healthy!! Enjoy your new addition on the Christmas season gets into full swing!! (and your move!)
May God richly bless you!
I know he is beautiful and soft and cuddly and smells so sweet. I won't get to hold him as much as I should be able to ~~ :( but I love the little guy, er. . . Big Boy. My Swee' Pea is a good little Mommy, too.
How wonderful...a new baby to love!!! Congratulations to you and your family. :) He's beautiful, and I love his name!
Congrats to you all! What a cute little guy! Good Luck with your move!
Praise God Diane! What a lil cutie. My prayers continue to be with your family during this blessed & busy season.
Grandpap is also so very happy that Henry is with us, and has a wonderful new home. We await the news of all his successes.
Are you guys here yet? PLEASE let me know if you need anything at all. We are happy to help any way we can!
I just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a BLESSED and Happy New Year!!!
I keep thinking of Isaiah 9:6. Hope you are back online soon. We truly miss you all. Grandpap.
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