I did not intend to find a yard sale, it was only two houses away. Tell me who has the will power to pass up a yard sale only
two houses away?? Not I.
Even though I can usually assess a yard sale in the first 30 seconds, I've also learned it might be worth a few more moments of browsing... after all, my daughter was only playing with the internal car lights, not honking the horn today.
Riding out the overpriced holiday decor paid off. I picked up a smallish box of ric rac, hem and bias tapes... at .05 cents each I didn't put the box back down. (So there were 26 packages, I
realize that I have a problem.) The lady running the sale glared at me, "It's not .05 cents for the WHOLE BOX!"
I smiled in return, "Oh, I know (since they were all individually marked .05 cents) but I like to sew."
She relaxed, "Well, then, you might like the craft stuff around the corner."
Loads of pipe cleaners, wooden beads, craft sticks, wooden clothes pins
with instructions for doll making, pieces of fabric with samples and sizes measured out... were all marked at near giveaway prices. The woman obviously valued holiday decor, but not crafting goods. I also scored manila envelopes, cards, patches, yarn, elastic and stationary. Filling up a whole box, I happily paid $7.50 for a years worth of crafting supplies. I thanked her for myself and my toddler.
I only stopped there after cruising by "free estate sale leftovers" sign a couple of blocks away. Another major score with...
organizational freebies! I never have enough of these. Plus I nabbed a free Fiskars scissors sharpener.
I'm juuust figuring this out... if I locate the organizational supplies first, the craft supplies
find me!